Look out YouTube! LOL
I have been enjoying this content for 2 years & it just keeps getting better. I have made countless recipies & used the trainer tips for me & my clients. I love the success stories & also send them to people to help inspire them. Club Members Have Full Access!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Beachbody TV has got it all!
Saturday, July 25, 2009

This session is going to be HUGE! It will change the way you look at your fitness and how you view the current fitness Industry.
If you are:
- A Personal Trainer
- A Doctor or Medical Professional
- Someone who wants to get in Shape! (or Back in Shape)
- A Parent
- Someone who wants to earn additional Income
- Wanting to get into the fitness industry
Basically anyone :) This EVENT is for YOU!
Be sure to Reserve you seat with me (Keith@FreeFitCoach.com)
See you Saturday!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Choose and Lose: How to Lose Weight on Any Diet
When it comes to losing weight, everyone has an opinion about what works best. Low fat, low carb, or Mediterranean style—you've probably heard stories of people dropping major pounds by following one of these diets. The truth is you'll lose weight on any diet as long as you take in fewer calories than you burn. Keep reading to find out which diet is best for you.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health studied more than 800 overweight adults over 2 years, and researchers found that as long as people made healthy choices, the percentage of protein, carbs, and fat consumed didn't really matter. All the study participants (divided into groups eating low fat, high fat, high carb, or high protein) lost about the same amount of weight when they ate fewer calories than they burned.
The bottom line: The diet you choose should make you feel good, keep you satisfied, and limit your cravings for unhealthy foods. So how do you decide what plan will work for you?
* Try balancing various amounts of lean protein (poultry, fish, and lean beef), complex carbs (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains), and healthy fat (nuts, olive oil, and seeds). Find the combination that makes you full and energetic.
* Keep a food journal of what you eat and how you feel. Over time, you'll start to see patterns emerge.
* If you're a Team Beachbody member, you can visit the Eat Smart section of the Web site and choose from three different pre-populated meal plans (Balanced, Low Carb, and Active Lifestyle), or custom design your own according to your preferences.
When you decide what kind of diet to follow, here's how to get the most out of it:
* Low-fat diet. The amount of fat you eat varies according to the diet's creator. The Ornish Diet, designed by cardiologist Dean Ornish to help people reverse heart disease, recommends that you eat 10 percent of your calories from fat. The American Heart Association, on the other hand, considers low fat to be up to 35 percent from fat. A low-fat diet should consist of lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans and legumes, and little meat. It is not an excuse to eat mountains of pasta or processed carbs (like fat-free cookies or crackers), as these will spike your blood sugar, make you hungrier, and add a lot of unnecessary calories.
* Low-carb diet. Plans like Atkins, South Beach, and the "Paleo" diet claim that by cutting carbohydrates your body will have to dig into its fat stores for energy. That is often true, at least at first, until your body adapts to the decreased energy from carbs and rapid weight loss slows. Plus, if you chow down on artery-clogging bacon, butter, and steak every day and don't choose heart-healthy protein and fat sources (like lean meats, nuts, and olive oil), you can develop other health problems and nutrient deficiencies. Watch out for saturated fat in foods like whole milk, butter, and meat, and be mindful of portion sizes when you're following a low-carb diet. You might find it hard to sustain a low-carb diet over the long term because you have less energy and feel tired a lot. If that happens, just switch to another diet plan.
*Mediterranean-style diet.This has gained popularity over the last few years as a healthy, balanced approach to eating. It emphasizes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, unsaturated fats from nuts and olive oil, and lean protein like fish and chicken. You don't want to overdo the pasta, cheese, and alcohol on this diet because these calories add up quickly. This is a moderate-fat diet that offers a variety of choices and will suit many different tastes. You'll find that most Beachbody® nutrition plans follow guidelines that are similar to a Mediterranean-style diet. It's easy to get all the nutrients you need to sustain a healthy, energetic lifestyle with this method of eating.
When you've found the diet that suits you, you may notice that your weight starts to drop without a lot of effort. You'll be more satisfied and less prone to cravings, which will help you be consistent with your plan. As long as you stick to your diet and combine it with a workout program that also fits your preferences— Slim in 6®, ChaLEAN Extreme®, or whatever you choose—you will be able to lose weight and keep it off.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Complete Nutrition Made Simple
It does not get any more simple to get all your nutritional needs. Shakeology did the hard part of finding and providing these outstanding ingreadients. Watch the video to see why I start everyday with this delicious shake. I can replace the need for dozens of supplements with one shake!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Not just a hot trend, it has some real benefits. I have been looking into this for quite some time. It can be hard to find good organic raw foods. I think there are great benefits to Raw food and incorporate them into each day as much as I can. I'd love to hear your experience and recipies!
Friday, July 10, 2009
R U Ready to get INSANE!?
This is NOT for beginners. This IS for all the Extreme fitness fans that want a challenge! Designed for a 60 day total transformation I can tell you it is exactly what it is named INSANITY!
So much energy, so unique and so much results! Can you really get a years worth of results in 60 Days?
How Much Fiber do You Need?
By Joe Wilkes
How much fiber should we be getting? If you believe the television commercials that run during the nightly news, we're not even coming close to getting what we need.

First off, let's look at why fiber is such a big deal. I used to think of fiber as stringy, ropy stuff, like the threads in celery or cabbage. But fiber has actually become a catchall term for any indigestible material that we consume, not all of which is actually fibrous. Cellulose, the building block of much of the fleshy part of fruits and veggies, is an example of non-fibrous fiber. There is soluble fiber, which dissolves in water and helps stabilize blood sugar by slowing the rate of digestion. There is also insoluble fiber, which, as its name would suggest, does not dissolve in water—although it does attract water in the intestinal tract and, well, without getting too graphic, is responsible for the trains running on time, keeping the mail moving, releasing the payload, etc. Most importantly, more and more studies are linking a high-fiber diet to a decreased risk of heart disease and diabetes.
For optimal health, nutritionists recommend 30 to 38 grams of fiber every day for men and 21 to 25 grams of fiber every day for women. You can find the fiber content of labeled food as a subcategory under carbohydrates. If you're counting carbs, you can always subtract the amount of fiber from the total number of carbs, because the fiber will only be visiting your body for a little while, unlike the sugars, which, if not burned for fuel, will likely end up stored as fat.
Most studies indicate that Americans don't get nearly enough fiber, especially with the proliferation of processed foods filled with white flour, which is made only from the fiber-less endosperm of the grain and none of the bran and germ parts that provide the fiber. In fact, if you read labels, it's pretty rare to find any prepared food that has more than a gram or two of fiber. It can make you despair if you think about having to get to the 21 to 38 grams you need every day. So how can you get your daily dose of fiber without eating yourself into a coma? There are some fiber-rich superfoods that can help get you to your daily recommended allowance, without the coma.
1. Legumes. The humble bean (and also chickpea, lentil, and pea) is chock-full of nutritious fiber. A cup of black beans or lentils contains a whopping 15 grams of fiber—half the daily minimum supply required for a man and more than half the minimum required for a woman. Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, have 13 grams of fiber. A cup of peas has 9 grams of fiber. The big winner is the cranberry bean with 18 grams of fiber and 17 grams of protein. Cranberry beans have a creamy texture and a chestnut-like flavor.
2. Bran. While not as great a source of fiber as beans, they're still pretty fiber rich, and may not have the unpleasant auditory and olfactory effects associated with excessive bean consumption. A cup of bran flakes has about 7 grams of fiber, and a cup of oatmeal has 4 grams of fiber. Substituting whole-wheat products for their traditional white-flour counterparts is an easy way to work some fiber into your diet without much hassle. A cup of whole-wheat spaghetti has over 6 grams of fiber, and whole-wheat bread has about 2 grams of fiber per slice.
3. Prunes. Not just for old people anymore. Grandpa and Grandma knew what they were doing when they were suffering from constipation. A cup of prunes contains 8 grams of fiber, and the prune's hydrated counterpart, the plum, is also an excellent source of fiber—prunes/plums contain insoluble fiber in the skin and soluble fiber in the pulp. That's a two-for-one special!
4. Artichokes. One medium artichoke contains 6.5 grams of fiber. One cup of artichoke hearts contains 14 grams of fiber and only 90 calories. I like to get one of those little jars of marinated artichokes (in vinegar, not oil) and treat myself to eating the whole jar as an afternoon snack or hors d'oeuvre before dinner. Tasty and filling, you'll eat less at dinner and put a serious dent in your daily fiber tally.
5. Brussels sprouts. Yes, they look like the alien heads from Mars Attacks!, but these little powerhouses pack almost 7 grams of fiber into a 1-cup serving and only about 60 calories. Not everyone is enamored with their slightly chalky taste. I recommend a generous spritz of lemon juice and maybe a dash of soy sauce or Tabasco to enhance the flavor. A sprinkle of Parmesan cheese is delicious too.
6. Asian pear. According to the Micronutrient Center of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, the Asian pear is one of their five fiber-rich superfoods (legumes, bran, prunes, and quinoa are the others). One Asian pear, about 3 inches in diameter, contains a whopping 10 grams of fiber, the most of any similarly sized fruit. And because it has a higher water content than its European brethren, it only contains around 100 calories. So you can crunch your way to a cleaner colon.
7. Quinoa. Relatively new to the U.S., quinoa has been a South American staple for over 6,000 years. In a 1-cup serving, the edible seeds of the quinoa plant have 10 grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein—in fact, quinoa seeds contain many essential amino acids that are missing from rice, proving to be a good substitute for rice. If you check your local health food store, and even some supermarkets, you can find quinoa plain and as a main ingredient in many cereals, breads, and salads.
8. Nuts. Not just filling, heart-healthy snacks, nuts are great sources of fiber (but highly caloric, so nosh carefully). A quarter-cup of almonds has 4 grams of fiber and about 200 calories. It's another great snack for between meals. Watch out for the salt content in the hickory-smoked varieties. Also, it's a good idea to portion out a serving size beforehand, so you don't absentmindedly munch a thousand or so calories from a big bag.
Now, thanks to The Fiber from Shakeology, you can take some of the guesswork out of getting enough fiber in your diet. With five different kinds of fiber, The Fiber gives you a full 10 grams per serving, so you can still have a fiber-rich diet even if you don’t have the time to eat right.

Be sure to ask me how to get FREE Shipping On Shakeology and even a 25% discount to save even more $$$.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
How to Avoid Exercise Plateaus!
Great News! Beachbody Programs are designed to reduce Plateaus. By changing things up and using the many different programs available for variety you will have YEARS of exercise programs and keep it fresh!
Not only will you not hit a plateau but it will keep things fun!!!