Tuesday, June 30, 2009
11 Ways to Create and Maintain Balance (By Chalene Johnson)
1. Prioritize, in writing, the most important areas of your life based on your current situation. Many skip this all-important first step or fail to re-visit this question on a regular basis. Although you may believe you have prioritized your values, goals or agendas in your mind, listing them on paper helps to clarify their importance, so you can re-evaluate your activities. Our top priority is often easy to identify, its numbers 2, 3 and 4 priorities that sometimes over-lap in our minds and fluctuate depending on changing circumstances. Writing down your priorities makes it easier to make tough decisions.
Be ready to “shift and move”. As circumstances change, so will your priorities, therefore, so should your schedule. Any shift in circumstances, work-load, family, finances, health, etc. should require you revisit your written list of priorities.
2. Create a calendar, or list, of your regularly scheduled activities. List everything, including leisure time and sleep. Closely estimate the amount of total time each activity requires. For example, when listing a class or client, be sure to include set-up, cleanup and drive time.
3. Star those activities that support one or all of your top 2 or 3 priorities. These are the items you should fight to keep on your list, but be careful you don’t have too many! Fitness is on my list of priorities, but when too many workouts cut into family time (my first priority) then a few work outs need to be moved.
4. Underline neutral activities. Neutral activities are those which neither take from, nor support, your priorities. Some examples of neutral activities might include Saturday morning coffee with your girlfriends, art class, watching television, surfing the internet, etc. These are activities that you could give up if needed, but should be evaluated for their “peace of mind” value. Never underestimate the refueling power of mindless down time, something few A-type personalities allow for.
5. Next, boldly circle the activities or obligations that contradict your present order of priorities. This is going to take some courage. In some instances, it takes a non-objective 3rd party. Here's a personal example: One of my weekly activities was a late evening class at a health club 35 minutes away, at a rate of pay far less than I normally earned. I had the class for years and felt the students, who had become my friends, would “perish” if I gave up the class. Even though I was a new Mom, I felt I'd be letting them down if I gave it up. I was keeping the class out of guilt, a sense of obligation and, to be honest, ego gratification! It took a friend to point out, that by keeping the class, I was actually hurting my young family in terms of loss of time with them. Giving up that class was far less painful than I imagined.
Now, when I personally struggle with the decision to get a sub or give up a class, I remind myself that at the end of my life, I want my family at my bedside, not my Saturday morning step class.
6. Make an "Immediate Action" To- Do List: Each item which you bravely circled now needs to be removed. These aren’t areas that you’re going to “try to do better.” It’s time to take specific action. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The change doesn't have to be permanent, but it should be immediate. If the act of relinquishing responsibility, inconveniencing others, or change has you frozen in your tracks, look at your top three priorities and find the courage to endure a few uncomfortable moments for lasting peace of mind.
7. Make a "Transitional" To-Do list: Sometimes changes should be gradual. If, for example, your number one priority is to quit your current job and work a full-time fitness career, quitting your "day job" tomorrow might make it tough to fork over the car payment at the end of the month. Consider a gradual transition. Speak to your employer about the possibility of working just 5-10 less hours per week. If that's not an option, propose a flexible work schedule that allows you to do personal training, or pursue fitness opportunities, during prime time hours.
8. Openly communicate your priorities with others. This serves as a constant reminder to yourself and a means of personal accountability. In communicating your priorities, you also establish your boundaries. "I openly express my priorities, so those who I work with always know and respect where I am coming from." Barbara Brodowsky, group exercise instructor for 24 Hour Fitness, Lancaster, CA.
9. Take cues from people closest to you: Sometimes we are too close to a situation to be able to make clear decisions. Listen to the questions and comments of those you most trust and admire. Has your significant other suggested that you look tired, seem distant, stressed or stretched too thin? Has more than one friend suggested you lighten your load or teach fewer classes? Have you seen a change in the behavior or mood of one or more family members? Projects consultant for AFAA, Amy Nestor, agrees, "When every day begins to feel hectic, rushed, and stressful and my mind feels like it's racing, I know it's time to take a look at what I'm doing. I also take cues from my family.”
10. Practice saying, “Can I get back to you on that?” If you know you should say “No” more often, yet find yourself saying, “Yes” just to be accommodating, try using “Thanks for thinking of me! Can I get back to you on that?" Just a few days will give you the time you need to evaluate the opportunity to see how it fits with your priorities, and if need be, politely decline.
11. Identify, and then remove your balance blockers. All of us have self-imposed balance blockers. These are deep rooted feelings that keep us in unhealthy or stressful situations based on fear or insecurities, like the need to please, misplaced guilt, fear of rejection, false appearances, believing that you’re supposed to be able to "do it all", perfectionism and more. These items will inhibit your ability to make sound decisions; decisions based on “your” life’s priorities. These 11 steps will change your life, as you strive to strike a balance; just know you’re not perfect. If you can’t put them all into action immediately, pick one or two and start there. Always keep in mind what your goals are and what’s important to you. By doing so, your entire being will be transformed!
Whether you want to try for the promotion at work, gain confidence, learn how to better connect with others, or maybe, you just want to improve yourself. You can do it, one step at a time.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
FAQs about Being a Beachbody Coach!

What is the Coach Business Opportunity?
It's a breakthrough income opportunity that lets you turn weight loss into profit. In order to make money, all you have to do is let people know about getting fit and losing weight with Beachbody’s best-selling line of products. You succeed by helping others succeed!
Who is the company behind the Coach Business Opportunity?
Beachbody is a successful 10-year-old, $300+ million corporation based in Southern California. We create and sell the nation’s most popular in-home fitness and weight-loss products—high-quality, well-manufactured DVD workout programs, gear, and nutritional supplements that have been proven to work. When you become a Beachbody Coach, you’re teaming up with a solid, stable company and a best-selling brand. Beachbody is the Brand behind the Best selling in home workout programs like P90X, Power 90, Turbo Jam, along with many others! They have even partnered with the American Diabetes Association to create the 1st endorsed program to fight Type 2 Diabetes! (Kathy Smith’s Project You Type 2)
How do I earn money?
You get paid weekly commissions when people buy Beachbody products and Team Beachbody Club memberships through your personal website. You can also earn cash bonuses based on your team’s sales.
What does it cost to begin?
It only costs $39.99 to start a Beachbody business. That includes your first month’s Business Services Fees and your Coach Business Kit, which comes with everything you need to begin earning income. Sets your online retails store, Website, Customer management system and Full training Center.
Do I need to be a fitness expert?
No, you don’t need to be a fitness or weight-loss expert to become a Beachbody Coach. You just need to be ready to commit to changing your life.
Do I need to be a slick salesperson?
Not at all—the fact is, just about everybody already wants to get fit or lose weight. And our products can get them there—we have thousands of real-life Success Stories to prove it! To make money as a Beachbody Coach, all you have to do is let people know that they can finally achieve the health, fitness, and weight-loss goals they’ve dreamed of.
What kinds of help and support will I receive?
Once you become a Beachbody Coach, you’ll be part of a whole network of successful Coaches who are there for you to learn from and share with. You’ll also get full access to your online office, which has everything you need to market and manage your business with ease—including your own sales website and email account, a full set of sales and marketing tools, and extensive training guides and videos. In addition, our Coach Relations team is available to answer your questions via email or over the phone. And you’ll have ME as a Coach of your own for extra motivation and guidance. I am available for you along with plenty of web and phone support from our fantastic and successful team of coaches.
Will I have to purchase products for resale?
Unlike marketing programs that require you to buy a lot of products in order to participate, the Coach Opportunity has no inventory requirements. If you do want to purchase products for your own use or resale, you’ll get them at a significant discount.
Will I have to handle product inventory, billing, shipping, or customer service?
No—when customers purchase products through your website, we take care of the rest.
Is it easy to set up my website?
Setting up and customizing your Beachbody Coach Website is low-tech and simple! We provide you with an easy-to-use system that allows you to add text and photos (or you can just use ours), and you can choose from a number of Beachbody marketing banners to help make sure your site is viewed.
How does Beachbody promote its products?
We spend millions of dollars every week advertising our home fitness programs on the major TV stations and cable networks. (You’ve probably seen our famous infomercials for programs such as P90X, Turbo Jam, and Hip Hop Abs, ChaLEAN Extreme as well as our magazine and Internet ads.) Millions of people already know about Beachbody, and every time we run an infomercial, we get thousands of new customers (up to 30,000 per week!). We want those customers to shop through your store, so you get the commission on those sales!
How much of a discount will I get on my own Beachbody products?
As Beachbody Coach, you receive a 25% discount on all Beachbody products available in the Team Beachbody store.
How do I get started making money?
Just click here!
Wondering What Is Next After P90X!?
The One on One Series is an excellent add on during or after your 1st round of P90X. I love the workouts and it adds such great variety. You get a new workout Every Month!
More Plyo!, More Arms!, More Yoga! More Abs! More! More! More! Special offer for new Subscribers in July! Ask Me About it!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Do I Have Time to Be a Team Beachbody Coach?
I have gotten a lot of questions and some concerns about having the time to coach. It can seem overwhelming at first to be a new coach or even for experienced coaches. There is so much to learn and so many tools available.
I have 3 simple suggestions:
1 - USE YOUR COACH! Your coach or closest diamond coach will have some things set up to make things easier.
For Example
- I use email templates that I created and just keep in a word document that has basic info that most people need and then I just have to add a few things to customize the message. It takes me less time to respond about the business and I can get through lots of messages faster and get better results because of that.
- I make myself available to speak to my coaches prospects for them. so all they have to do is tell people they are working with beachbody, some reasons why and then introduce them to me so I can help answer questions and sign them up new coaches. This way as a new coach you do not have to "Know Everything"
2- Use the Tools!
- Your office has Great video clips of inspirational stories, Business success, tips and even email templates to send. Just send those to your existing contacts and let the tools do the work for you.
- The Team training Websites have dozens of recorded training calls, marketing ideas and support for you. The tools that are already created work and allow you the time to implement them vs. having to create
- Pick one or 2 things that you like and focus on that. Do not spread yourself too thin. If you like email and blog focus on that. If you like visiting Dr's. offices or health fairs focus there. So when you carve out your business time you know exactly what you are doing and can maximize your time. (Here is another place to leverage your coach. Ask what they do and see if you can tag on or use their info etc)
3- Make it a Part of Your Life
- let your fitness speak for itself. By being fit and healthy it makes it easy to tell people what you are doing and they will ask! That saves a lot of time No pitch needed to memorize just say yes I do feel better, I am using ChaLEAN extreme and I have lost x pounds or X inches or have more energy etc.
- There is a great 1 minute trainer called "Follow Your Dollar" in the office. The concept is simple, every place you go to shop or do business is a great opportunity to leave a card, flyer or tell about what you do.
So in general, do not be an Undercover Coach! You want people to see you or your card and say oh yeah that is that home fitness coach. Better yet when people you know, speak to friends that need to get in shape you want your dry cleaner for example to say "Oh you have to call this person, they got in shape and have excellent in home programs" You'd be surprised at how much the topic of fitness comes up with everyone so the more people that know what you do the more customers or coaches will come your way
Maximize your time with focus and using the help and tools available. It really does not take more than an hour or 2 per day to build a strong business. And that can be spread in short increments too. Answer a few emails, post on your blog, and work it in to your daily activities for example.
OH, and of course don't forget the weekly business briefings that may be available in your area. Dallas and LA have them every week for you. I've posted details for Dallas so we'd love to see you and your potential coaches!
Keep sharing your success!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
So Many Choices; So Much FUN!
It's so great to have such a catalog of real home fitness products. I can say that I have tried almost every product and they all work well and add great variety to any fitness level & program.
No wonder we are changing lives all accross the country! Great Programs and Awesome Support!
SO, What exactly is a TeamBeachbody Coach?
I am so proud to be able to say this is what I do for a living. It is so rewarding to help others change their lives.
My customers and other coaches are so important to me. Helping them while helping myself stay and become fit an healthy all while making money!
I never dreamed it was possible!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Weekly Business Briefings and Porduct Samples!

Come join me and some of the top Beachbody Coaches in the Area for a Starbucks beverage and a sample of Shakeology!
If you are wondering what all the excitement is about come to one of our weekly Business Briefings and Product sample sessions.
* Learn about how you can turn your Fitness Into a Business!
* Get Great discounts on top selling Fitness Products!
* Sample some of the Best selling home Fitness Products!
* Talk live to a local Team Beachbody coach!
* Get Tips on how to maximize your fitness results and use the free online tools!
* Explore the Brand newly upgraded Team Beachbody website
Myself and some of the local Beachbody coaches will be hosting Weekly Sessions for You! & of course your guests. These info sessions are FREE and you can bring as many people as you'd like! We will even treat you to a Starbucks beverage while you are there!
Here's some details for you:
Every Monday Night
Starbuck's Coffee Shop
In The Meeting Room
3525 Grapevine Mills Pkwy, Grapevine, TX 76051
(Right next to the Grapevine Mills Mall so it is easy to get to and Find) :)
This week (6-22-09) we will be featuring Shakeology! If you have not tasted this amazing nutrition drink you will want to come out just for that! Can't decide between Chocolate or GreenBerry? Come taste both before you order! (also learn how you can save up to $30.00 per month)
If you'd like to attend just drop me a note at Keith@FreeFitCaoch.com and let me know you are coming and if you will be bringing anyone. I will be sure to reserve a seat for you.
I am excited about having these informative sessions and for the chance to meet you and get to know you better!
We will have Great info and some get started training for you so be sure to come as often as you'd like.
See you Monday!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Great Motivators: 14 Reasons to Keep Pushing Play
By Denis Faye and the Beachbody® Message Boards Community
Exercise is easy. Buy a video, pick up a weight, and you're doing it. Nutrition is easy. Buy good foods, eat them, and you're doing it. So why aren't we a world of the fit and the skinny? We'll tell ya why.

Because motivation is a killer. It's one thing to know how to eat right and exercise. It's another thing entirely to actually do it.
The trick is to find your magic button—that motivator that pushes you to blast out a P90X® Ab Ripper X session when you'd rather stay in bed, that motivator that makes you eat celery when chocolate cake is so much more delicious.
If you've found your motivator, more power to you, but for those who haven't, we asked the crew members on the Message Boards about their motivators. Answers ranged from wild to wonderful to weepy to just plain weird. If you see one that you like, grab it. It's on the house.
Here are a few of them
1. "What motivates me is the high I feel a couple hours after a really good workout. Nothing can beat that!"—JLYNNFL01
Exercise causes your brain to release endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. A nice side effect of these little hurt-masking hormones is that they can also induce euphoria, even with moderate exercise.
2. "The thought of elastic waist bands keeps me pressing play." —Chelle Bean
This is in no way a judgment, but the simple fact is that when you're fit, you have access to cooler clothes. And once you toss that muumuu away to make room for your skinny jeans, you won't want to go back.
3. "I motivate myself by thinking about how wonderful it will feel to be my husband's trophy wife!"—shellyv
Although your spouse will probably love you either way, it's always nice to make him or her drool a little. Remember, being fit makes you feel good about yourself, and when partners feel good about themselves, it makes it easier to feel good about the relationship.
4. "Looking at my before pictures. If I ever start to feel like I don't want to exercise I just pull those gems out."—RyGuy
Everyone seems to like their "after" picture so much more than their "before" picture. There was a lot of sweat and pain in the transition.
5. "Even though the ex-wife did not leave because I was not ripped, I still can't wait to take my shirt off at the pool for our son's birthday and have her see all the things she is missing out on. His birthday is in August, so I have just enough time."—Puckmaster
Here's an old quote: "Revenge is a dish best served cold." It comes from either Afghanistan or the Klingon language. We're not sure which.
6. "Rock climbing alone isn't a key ingredient to a full life, at least not for me. Climbing with my kids, on the other hand, is another story. Spending time together, being able to keep up, starts to be even more promising. Ultimately, that is my big picture; my family, my kids, and my health are all intertwined." —Fitz62
Being fit opens up a whole world for a parent. And technically, running around with your rugrats counts as exercise, so you get a bonus.
7. "My 2-1/2-year-old son who asks, 'Daddy are you exercising today?' And afterwards puts my shirt in the laundry basket for me. I want to be here as long as possible for my family." —Sgpratt
Here's an even bigger motivator when it come to exercising for the sake of your family. Not only will the quality of family time improve, but also, in the long run, you'll have lots more of it.
8. "My daughter is my motivation. I do not want her to see me struggling with weight as I saw my mom."—Fufi28
Here's the biggest motivator of all. Kids model their parents—the way they eat, the way they live their lives. If you live your life healthily and strongly, your kids will too.
9. "My favorite motivational tool is to use some P90X workouts or other exercises to create unique challenges and do them for time."—Coach Marc
Goal-oriented people fire themselves up with, wait for it, goals. If working through 90 days of grueling exercise isn't enough for you, create mini goals during that time. Increase sets or do things faster, whatever fires you up.
10. "I make each workout an appointment . . . and I don't like missing appointments."—Blotman
Most people like to live up to the commitments they've made. If you make a doctor's appointment, you don't miss it, do you? Well, you're just as important as your doctor, so if you make an appointment with yourself, honor it!
11. "WOWY keeps me accountable, I may not know a single soul personally, but just knowing thousands of other people are putting their health first keeps my conviction strong!"—Maii Beloved
Of course, if you're just not willing to give yourself the respect required to keep those appointments, maybe you'll respect the thousands of people who track you when you use the WOWY® accountability system.
12. "The more you work out, the more you can eat!"—j-ro
This one is a slippery slope, but there's some truth to it. Just keep in mind that exercise isn't a license to pig out on junk because "junk in, junk out."
13. "I enjoy seeing others' reaction when I wear a tank top. I get a kick out of them staring at the veins in my biceps."—Padstack
It's always nice to get checked out and know that your hard work is paying off.
Well, if you don't want to do it for yourself and you don't want to do it for your family, there's nothing wrong with doing it for the ladies, we suppose, or for the men, of course. Just don't go too crazy, Voltown.
What's your Motivation? Join in on the Beachbody Message Board discussion to keep accountable and help others! Click Here for my Thread K&C's Fitness Connection
By Steve Edwards
As a trainer and nutritionist, I frequently get asked, "What's the best thing I can eat?" Or, "What's the best food in the world?" It's also a subject that easily makes its way onto the glossy pages of the assorted magazines you peruse whilst standing in line at your local market. And there's always an answer. "One food that will change your life!" Or, "Just eat this!" It's so simple, or so they'd have you believe. "If you'd only been eating this one thing you'd be slim, healthy, and look like that supermodel on the cover." You know, something like that.
In this week's Nutrition 911 lesson, we'll take a look at the answer. So, class, just what is the best food in the world? Anyone care to answer?
No, Jack, I'm sorry. Red meat is not the right answer.
But to appease you, Carl, Stuart, and McClown over there trying to get the children's attention, let's look at red meat anyway. After all, most of us eat a lot of it, even though most modern science is showing us that eating too much will lead to health problems. Red meat is the best food choice you can make if you were only given one thing to eat. Therefore, boys, if you were living as an explorer in the 19th century, like Lewis and Clark, it would certainly be a superfood. Red meat has protein (of course), vitamins, and fat. Because you can live on fatty meat for a long time, it was prized in cultures where there were limited food options. Lean meat, which is better for us in the civilized world, wouldn't cut it for trappers who would sometimes die of "rabbit death" because their diets had insufficient fat.
In the modern world, we tend to get plenty of fat, especially the kind you get from meat. Therefore, diets high in red meat are often linked to heart disease and other assorted diseases. Red meat consumption should be limited in a modern diet. And you don't need any at all, as most of its nutrients are found in foods that don't have the same downsides. So now this ancient superfood should be far down on your personal food chain.
What was that, Moonbeam? I couldn't hear you over that guitar. Oh, spirulina.
Yes, spirulina does have a lot of nutrients and is considered a "superfood" by many, especially those who wear a lot of hemp clothing. It's an alga that is very rich in vitamins, has a lot of protein, and even contains some good fatty acids. For one food, it's awfully good. Well, at least nutrient-wise. Eating it is another matter. Its taste is, let's just say, challenging for many. But even if you can eat it as joyously as a plecostomus does, you're still missing certain vitamins, and amino and fatty acids that you need to find elsewhere. While it's a great food, it's not the answer.

You in the overalls, did you say broccoli?
More than any other, broccoli is referred to as "the best food in the world." It is healthy stuff for sure. It's loaded with vitamins, fiber, and even protein. But it lacks fat, and besides, while you can eat a ton of veggies without gaining an ounce, you can only eat so many before all of the fiber begins to have the opposite effect you desire on your digestive system. Fiber is great, to a point. It soaks up cholesterol and keeps you "regular." Too much and you'll become . . . too regular. A cyclist I know once decided to test just how much fiber he could consume. The results came while he was out on a ride, and I, for one, was glad I wasn't following him.
Yes, Siri, hempseed and flaxseed are great, but I think we should draw the line at listing combustible hemp as a possible superfood.
Leaves aside, these seeds are loaded with omega-3 and other essential fatty acids. They even have protein and vitamins, and have been linked with many assorted health benefits. But again, they only contain a portion of the nutrients you need each day. Plus, they are dense, meaning that you can't just munch on 'em all day long without consuming too many calories.
And speaking of fatty acids, fish is loaded with two very important ones, DHA and EPA, and even more protein. A superfood to a degree, it has a huge downside. We've polluted our oceans and waterways to the point that many of the things fish eat are toxic. As we rise up the food chain, we eat the fish that have more protein, more fatty acids, and more and more toxins. Whales and dolphins—fish make up nearly 100 percent of their diets—have very high levels of toxins in their fatty tissues, so much that these high levels exceed superfund cleanup standards. An altogether different problem addresses what we should do about this, but sticking to the subject, I would recommend that you somewhat limit fish consumption, unless you can get some data on fish contamination levels.
Yeah, Bugs, I know you think carrots are the be-all and end-all of nutrition. They're not bad. Loaded with carbohydrates, vitamins, and fiber, it's easy to see how you could outsmart Elmer Fudd all day, since he looks like he's been feasting on mom's apple pie in lieu of rabbit. While carrots are a great energy snack, they lack necessary protein and fats, making it unlikely that you could live on them exclusively, unless you exist in two dimensions.
No, it's the same for blueberries, Violet. They are loaded with antioxidants but are still mainly a sugary carbohydrate source. A good thing to eat, sure, but you shouldn't plan your entire diet around them.
I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but unfortunately, there is no single "best food on the planet." Your body is complex. To function properly, we need to eat from various sources. We consume trees, seeds, leaves, fruits, animals, bugs, weeds, etc., etc. And not just to get a variety of flavors. Different foods make you feel differently because they do different things to your body.
Of course, this doesn't mean that one food is as good as another. There are superfoods out there. But they're all super for one thing. Beachbody's Results and Recovery Formula is a superfood for after a hard workout but would be a terrible food if you weren't exercising. Spinach was super for Popeye, and can be for you, but it would not be the best choice right before a contest of strength with Bluto. There are different foods that are super for different circumstances.
As a society, we've learned to eat for taste. However, there was a time when we ate for performance, which is probably how we began learning what we now call the science of nutrition. Added ingredients in junk foods, like flavorings, have messed up this process, and now we have a hard time distinguishing a food's performance value by taste. We do things like adding sugar to meat that create unnatural cravings. So we need to relearn to eat for performance. Once you begin doing this, you'll retrain your body to crave the right foods for the right circumstances.
Remember that you should eat to fuel your body for what you are going to do. Superfoods are only super if you eat them at the right time to support the right activity. So today's lesson is that there is no best food on the planet. But there are perfect foods for different situations. So next time, we'll talk about nutrient timing.
Monday, June 15, 2009
2-Day Fast Formula Product Review
I tried the a Beachbody 2 Day Fast Formula the past 2 days. I did not know if I could last without actual food for too long but I figured I'd give it a try. One of my coach friends Barbie did it and it got me thinking I could too!
So, Day one was actually not too bad. I did have my Shakeology for Breakfast and that does really satisfy and sustain me so morning was not too bad at all. Now, my Kids do eat a lot (they are 3, 3 and 4 yrs old). So it was a challenge around snack time and lunch for me but I wanted to do it so I just had my Beachbody Fast Formula for Lunch and it was OK
At about 3pm I did get a little GROUCHY and was HUNGRY so to satisfy my chewing need I ate 3 cubes of Watermelon that I had cut up already from the past day. It was all I needed at the time so I felt much better.
During the day I kept my focus away from food by learning The new Team Beachbody site and sending customer updates etc. It distracted me but also reminded me that I wanted to do this and it was only 2 days!
By dinner time I did also have the Fast Start formula but I added a 1/2 scoop of protein powder for a little extra. I did not think it would hurt much and it made me feel better.
I did not exactly have a low activity day since I did my morning cardio workout and was playing with the kids all day so I just ended up going to sleep early (a little hungry but I felt good)
The next morning I actually felt Great. I thought I would be sluggish and maybe have a headache but nope, I felt excellent and not hungry at all!
I started the day with Shakeology again (mixed with Water instead of my typical soy milk). Felt fine until 11am. at 11am I was HUNGRY so I had my Fast Start formula for lunch and again added the 1/2 scoop of Protein powder. That carried me through until about 3pm again lol
I had 3 almonds to satisfy my chewing craving and that was all I needed.
Dinner I had the Fast Start Formula but added 2 large strawberries to it to have a little more and ease some food in. Dinner was hard since I had to cook for the family but it worked out OK. I just prepared everything and sat with them and had my shake. I kept myself occupied by clearing and cleaning up right away too.
This morning I feel much lighter and tighter. No hunger and just feel very clean. I Hit my workout Strong, had some recovery formula after and just enjoyed my morning shakeology with soy milk and Peanut butter.
So I would say that the Fast formula is a great tool to kick start your progress. I would recommend it and I actually lost 5 pounds in the 2 days. Now that was not my main reason for doing it and I am sure most was water weight and just from not eating but I want to see how much of it I can keep off. I altered the guide to meet my needs but did and feel really good! I am ready to eat clean and continue my ChaLEAN Extreme meal plan.
If your Thinking about trying the fast start formula, go for it. I like the feeling of clearing out my system for the 2 days. The added bonus was not having to worry about food choices for the day ;)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My next 90 days!
ChaLEAN Extreme halped me drop about 34 pounds and add some muscle definition in my first round.
This round I will focus on the eating plan and see what I can do. I want to shed about 20 - 25 more pounds and add some mass.
My focus will be on the lean proteins & sticking to no eating past 7pm!
One of My favorite Recipes!
I love making this on the grill. Be sure to keep a spray bottle with water on hand just in case. when you see some fire just spray the board and keep moist. Also most grocery stores have the planks!
Meet Tony In Atlanta at 8am this morning!
Meet the Man behind P90X!
8am Today 6/13!
We are adding seats as you read this so come out and join us. Be sure to tell them Keith Colombo #3263 sent you to get in for Free as My guest!
You do not want to miss this event!
Date: Sat, Jun 13, 2009
Time: 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Marriott Atlanta - Century Center
2000 Centry Boulevard
Atlanta, GA
Local Phone: 651-434-4934
Monday, June 8, 2009
Brief Video about Beachbody Coaching!
This is an excellent intro to being an online fitness coach. I love what I do and look forward to helping you succeed as a coach! Let's do this together and help reverse this awful trend of Obesity and weight related Disease!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Check out a sample clip from an Infomercial about the Coach Opportunity set to launch very soon!
Such a great opportunity that I am thankful for everyday. If you like fitness, are someone that likes to help others and want something MORE you will do great! I am here to help you!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

JUNE 13, 2009
8AM – 11AM (Saturday)
You’ve seen him in the top rated infomercial for P90X, on QVC, in Power 90, Power 90 Master Series, Power half Hour, 10 Minute Trainer and His Own One on One Series!
Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet one of the greatest personal trainers in the world. Tony has trained some top celebrities as well as regular folks like you and I ☺ with his innovative and effective home workout DVDs!
Tony’s P90X Program (and his others) have proven themselves workout after workout.
Come meet tony Horton and Get your photo with him, find out how you can change your life!
- FREE Autographs with Tony Horton!
- FREE Photos with Tony Horton!!
- FREE P90X Giveaways for my Guest Attendees!!!
- Find Out How You can Earn Money with P90X!
- Hear how you can transform your health and wealth
RSVP with me via email at Keith@FreeFitCoach.com by sending your:
1- First and Last Name
2- Phone Number (in case of any changes or updates)
3- Email address
I will reserve your Spot. As my guest this will be a FREE event.
(exact location and details will be emailed back to you once you RSVP.)
I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta on Saturday June 13th Space and autographs may be limited so Reserve your spot right away!
Contact me right away to reserve your guest spot Keith@FreeFitCoach.com
Tony Horton's (Creator of P90X) 11 Laws Of Fitness...

Man...I think this is so great! It is a great "Reminder" of some things we may already know. I had the pleasure of talking with Tony a few months back and hear him speak. This was a stand out for sure.
11 Laws of Fitness by Tony Horton
*Mix it UP!
*Sectional progression, muscle confusion & super stacking work!
*Prevent boredom, injuries, and plateaus
*Success comes to those who work hard day in and day out.
*Find the fire
*You are tougher than you think!
*Does your reason WHY motivate you?
*Fitness, health, quality of life, feeling good
*Prevent illness & injury
*Know the power of now
*Trust the process, enjoy the journey
*Know the difference between fact and fiction
*Go Outdoors! Go Play!
*Join a team and have fun!
*Schedule it- Do it!
*Stay accountable and motivated
*Understanding, patience, & gratitude come when you don’t have stress and have sleep!
*Recharge, replenish, and recover
*Excitement about your workouts key to lifetime health and fitness
*Fountain of youth
*Stretching and yoga for healthy joints
*Less injuries, more range of motion
*You are what you eat and drink
*High performance happens when you eat whole foods and proper supplements